Michigan State Fans Praised, Ohio State Slammed By Wall Street Journal
Michigan State fans are pretty awesome. I’m not just saying that because I went to MSU. I really think our fans are classy. I mean, except when we’re burning couches.
Northwestern wants to build a new stadium in Evanston, Illinois. But, some people in the Chicago suburb aren’t too pleased about it.
The Wall Street Journal did a story on how Evanston residents have responded to the proposals. One man is my hero. He had some fun things to say about MSU fans. He spoke to the Wall Street Journal about the behavior of fans coming into town from other teams. Northwestern is part of the Big Ten, but some of the other Big Ten teams are more passionate – and annoying – about their support for their respective teams.
The man, who apparently owns a hot dog stand outside of Ryan Field, had these fun things to say about different fan bases who come into town for the games. The Wall Street Journal writes, “Mr. Starkman, who is 56, said complaints about fans urinating on lawns and bushes after games are exaggerated and happen only when Northwestern hosts Ohio State. Wisconsin fans party very hard but are ‘nice and respectful,’ he said; Michigan State fans are ‘brilliant, lots of doctors and judges’; Michigan supporters are ‘ruffians’ but generally well behaved; Iowa’s are the friendliest in the Big Ten, and Nebraska’s fans are the most likely to arrive in pickups. ‘Ohio State fans are the only problem,’ Mr. Starkman said. ‘They have a monster following, and they think the world is their bathroom.'”
So, MSU fans are “brilliant, lots of doctors and judges.” I’ll take it. Meanwhile, Ohio State fans are “the only problem” and “they think the world is their bathroom.” Wow. He seemed in the middle on Wolverine fans. Find the full article here.