Jordan Spieth looks on with his son, Sammy Spieth, during the Par 3 contest prior to the 2023 Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club on April 05, 2023 in Augusta, Georgia.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, the Masters Par 3 Contest at Augusta National Golf Club offers up the cutest – and basically the best – photos you’ll see all weekend – and this year didn’t disappoint.

It’s one of the best traditions for Masters Week, when families of the golfers turn into caddies (and sometimes even players) for a fun-filled 9-hole mini tournament on the Par 3 course.

That means you’ve got adorable little ones running all over the place, and spouses and girlfriends making for some memorable moments.

The Contest itself ended with Tom Hoge taking the title at 6-under par. He had a hole-in-one on the 8th hole, and played well all around.

However, it should be noted that the Par 3 winner has never won the big Tournament in the same week. That “curse” makes it so many of the players end up with no official final score, as they let their loved ones take some of their shots for them.

That’s what ends up helping make for some of the best photos. Here’s a look at 15 of our favorite from the Par 3 Contest at the 2023 Masters Tournament that gets underway Thursday, at Augusta National Golf Club. Take a look.