City of Detroit Police and Fire Pension Board Sue WWE’s Vince McMahon
Controversial owner of the WWE, Vince McMahon is in hot water with some members of the Detroit Police and Fire Pension Board.
McMahon, who is currently facing allegations of sexual misconduct, has recently reinstated himself back into a prominent role on the business side of the WWE after stepping away for a period of months due to the allegations and accompanied investigations.
The Detroit Fire and Police Pension Board has $100,000 of their funds invested in the WWE, making them a shareholder, and as shareholders, some are upset with McMahon’s return to the WWE board of shareholders.
Councilmen Coleman Young, who sits on the board for Detroit has made it clear he is unhappy with McMahon forcing himself back into the equation,
“What I want Vince McMahon to do, is for Vince McMahon to leave the company,” said Councilman Coleman Young, who sits on the pension board.”
The class action complaint alleges that Vince McMahon used his percentage hold to fire board members, change bylaws and reinstate himself back into the equation.